Our asset management fund
The DKO-Optima is a conservatively investing balanced fund. At least 51% of the fund's net assets are invested in fixed and variable-rate corporate, government and government-guaranteed bonds from industrialised and emerging countries. The investment is made without geographical restrictions. Investments are generally made in investment-grade bonds. Weaker credit ratings may also be included. The equity component (equities and equity-like instruments) is a minimum of 15% and a maximum of 40%. In the equities area, the fund invests in a broadly diversified portfolio of international equities, also using funds.
DKO-Optima (ISIN LU0092225969) is suitable for investors with a medium to long-term time horizon.
Fund information
Launch date | End of fiscal year | Dividend policy | ISIN | WKN | Bloomberg | Country of Registration |
1998/12/14 | 03/31 | accumulative | LU0092225969 | 989073 | DKOLUOP LX | Luxembourg, Germany, Austria |
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MR | PRIIP | OM | AR | HR | |
DKO-Optima | m | s | s | s | s |
Legend: MR = factsheet, PRIIP = basic information sheet, OM = sales prospectus, AR = annual report, HR = report by halfyear
PLEASE NOTE: The information provided above is classified as a promotion i.E. § 31 II WpHG (German Securities Trading Act). Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Performance is shown excluding costs (Buy/Sale/Hold). A list of the funds rewards and risks is enclosed in the factsheet. This and other sales documents can be found in sector "Information". Please also read additional details Terms and conditions of user.