
DKO-Renten Spezial

Our corporate bond fund

DKO-Renten Spezial (ISIN: LU0386792104) is an opportunity-oriented bond fund. Investments focus on corporate bonds denominated in euros from industrialised and developing countries. Government bonds and issues in US dollars can also be added. There are no geographical restrictions on issuers, and holdings are both investment grade and non-investment grade. Currency risk against the euro is normally hedged.

Profitable opportunities are actively sought out to achieve long-term capital growth for clients, but without neglecting risk. The fund manager uses a traditional top-down approach. The current capital market environment is analysed and relative value calculated to identify the most attractive opportunities within the investment segment. The different issuers are then examined to confirm they are profitable and have sustainable business models.

Very broad diversification in these higher-yielding, and thus risky, securities improves the risk/return characteristics significantly compared to bonds from prime issuers, and liquidity is always available.

The DKO-Renten Spezial is suitable for investors with a medium to long-term investment horizon who are aware of the higher volatilities of the investment segment and is available as accumulating share class -T- (ISIN: LU0386792104).

The distributing unit class -A- (ISIN: LU1038666001) was liquidated on 30 September 2020.

Fund information

Launch date End of fiscal year Dividend policy ISIN WKN Bloomberg Country of Registration
2008/10/01 03/31 accumulative LU0386792104 A0Q9CB DKORESI LX Luxembourg, Germany, Austria


DKO-Renten Spezial -T- m s s s s

Legend: MR = factsheet, PRIIP = basic information sheet, OM = sales prospectus, AR = annual report, HR = report by halfyear






PLEASE NOTE: The information provided above is classified as a promotion i.E. § 31 II WpHG (German Securities Trading Act). Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Performance is shown excluding costs (Buy/Sale/Hold). A list of the funds rewards and risks is enclosed in the factsheet. This and other sales documents can be found in sector "Information". Please also read additional details Terms and conditions of user.