
Legal information of Dr. Kohlhase GmbH

Published by

Dr. Kohlhase Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Löwengrube 18
D-80333 München
+49 (0)89 / 54 59 03-0
+49 (0)89 / 54 59 03-70

Person responsible for content

Dr. Michael Kohlhase

Company details

Dr. Kohlhase Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
Registred office: Loewengrube 18, 80333 Munich, Germany
Entered in the commercial register of the Munich district court under no. B-102890
Managing directors:
Dr. Detlef Kohlhase
Dr. Michael Kohlhase
Tax number: 143/131/10487
Vat number: DE 181216723

Regulated by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).  Member of the Association of Independent Wealth Managers (VuV)  and dedicated to the Compensatory Fund of Securities Trading Companies (EdW).


The content of this website is for personal information only. No content may be used without the permission of Dr. Kohlhase Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH. In particular, it may not be saved in databases, published, reproduced, commercially exploited in any form or transferred to third parties, including in part or in revised form.

"DKO" is a registered brand of Dr. Kohlhase Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH.

VuV Ombudsman's Office (Conciliation Office)

The VuV Ombudsman’s office is intended to function as a forum in which disputes between consumers and members of the VuV in connection with financial services transactions can be settled in out-of-court conciliation proceedings.

As a member of the VuV, Dr. Kohlhase Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH is affiliated to this conciliation office.

This means that, if a client complaint cannot be resolved by the parties alone, the client has the option of appealing to the conciliation office. The conciliation procedure is free of charge to the claimant.

Mailing Address:

Stressemannallee 30
60596 Frankfurt am Main

Further information on the VuV Ombudsman's Office (including communication details, rules of procedure, and the application form) are available here.