Wealth management
In the area of asset management, the offer is aimed at private and institutional investors such as foundations and family offices. Our fundamental strategy is rather conservative. This means that we generally work with low equity ratios of around 25% and favour investments in the interest-bearing area.
The investment approach is roughly equivalent to a ‘top down’ approach. By structuring and diversifying the assets, the aim is to achieve a return that is in line with market conditions in order to achieve the long-term investment objective of continuous asset growth.
Customised asset management
The starting point for an administration are the agreed investment objectives and other framework data, such as investment horizon, risk structure, capital requirements, securities universe and reporting periods.
The management is carried out via a new account/custody account to be opened in the client's name at one of our partner banks, for which we receive a power of attorney to execute securities transactions. Clients are informed about the ongoing management activities by means of daily statements from the banks and regular reporting from us.
Placing responsibility for your assets in the hands of a third party is a far-reaching decision that should be well considered. Since everyone's investment goals and ideas for working with an asset manager are different, a website can only provide general information and not answer all questions. A personal conversation should always be the starting point for a trusting relationship.
Standardisierte Vermögensverwaltung
The main difference between standardised asset management and customised asset management is that the customer cannot specify an investment strategy. It is suitable for customers for whom standardised products meet their investment requirements. Furthermore, such solutions are suitable for low volumes and savings plans.
For us, standardised does not mean mass-produced, but products that are created for special situations and to which we pay particular attention.
For standardised asset management, we have the following solution:
Our conservative mixed fund, which invests in line with our basic investment strategy and whose performance can be tracked via daily fund price determination and monthly factsheets.
Further information about DKO-Optima.
Your contact persons
Detlef Kohlhase
Managing Director

Michael Kohlhase
Managing Director

Information material
Trusted Wealth Manager
This private banking provider is subject to ongoing monitoring by the Private Banking Review Board (www.pruefinstanz.de). IIt is certified as dealing fairly with clients. Please visit www.fuchsbriefe.de/fuchsrichter/vertrauensbasis/vertrauensampel. for further information.