
News archive on the NESTOR funds

In the news archive you can find the older news.

Nestor Australia had a weak quarter with a loss of 20.3% - the index fell by 14.6% in the process !…

Unfortunately, I cannot provide too much good news about Nestor Eastern Europe fund at the moment.

The Nestor Fernost fund declined during Q1, steeper than the decline in the Asia-Pacific ex-Japan…

We consider this to be the most relevant quarterly report since late 2018, when the last major…

Russia-Ukraine war shakes markets

NESTOR Europe fund recovers significantly from setback

In normal cases and in normal times the portfolio manager of NESTOR Eastern Europe fund should and…

Due to the current situation and in the interest of the investors, the calculation of the unit value…

Nestor Australia had a very positive year with a quarterly performance of +8.8% , compared to 4.1%…

Last quarter of 2021 was quite hectic on the Central European equity markets.

The Nestor Fernost fund declined -6.7% during Q4, against a flattish Asia-Pacific ex-Japan